The Exit Planning Process

Identify Owner Objectives

Every business owner's personal goals are unique. Determine yours. Retirement is far and away the #1 reason. Enjoy the fruits of your labors. Health, travel, changing market conditions among others.

Analyze Business and Personal Resources

CGBB will assess and value a business to see if a current Exit Plan can satisfy owner objectives, taking into account all owner resources. We will also assess if a business is ready for transition or needs optimization in identified areas. Candid expert advice can help a business owner balance personal objectives against the business status to determine optimal timing. Proceed with exit when these are in alignment.

Sell the Business in Properly Structured Format

CGBB will package and market the business to qualified external or internal candidates … and advise on optimal structured transactions for the business owner. We will monitor and manage the due diligence process to ensure a smooth closing and transition.

Personal Wealth and Estate Planning

If needed, CGBB can introduce owners to financial advisors that can help invest and manage business sale proceeds to better protect an owner’s estate consistent with retirement objectives.